
Spousal & Common Law Sponsorship

If you’re a Canadian citizen or permanent resident with a spouse, common-law partner, or conjugal partner outside or in Canada, you have the right to sponsor them to join you or remain in Canada as permanent residents.

How does it work
It is a 2-stage process in applying for this type of sponsorship:
Stage 1: apply to be a sponsor
Stage 2: spouse, common-law partner, or conjugal partner applies for permanent residence

Eligibility Criteria and Requirements to sponsor

  • Be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident
  • Be at least 18 years of age
  • Reside in Canada (exception for Canadian citizens)
  • Must not have been sponsored as a spouse within the last 5 years
  • Must intend to fulfil the requirements of the undertaking
  • Must not be under a removal order, detained in any penitentiary or jail
  • Must not be convicted of a sexual offence or an indictable violent offence, or an offence causing bodily harm against a relative
  • Must not be in default of a prior undertaking, or support payments
  • Not an undischarged bankrupt
  • Not be on social assistance, other than for reason of disability

Types of Relationship

The following conjugal relationships with a Canadian citizen or permanent resident are recognized and eligible for sponsorship:

  • Spouse: this term includes both opposite and same-sex relationships but does not include common-law partnerships. The marriage must be legally valid in the country where performed, and must not violate Canadian law (ex: polygamy, underage marriage, etc.)
  • Common-law partner: refers to an individual who is cohabiting with the person in a conjugal relationship, having so cohabited for a period of at least one year.
  • Conjugal partner: is a person outside Canada who has had a binding relationship with a sponsor for at least one year but could not live with their partner due to legal or social obstacles.

Couples can apply under the Spousal Sponsorship Program by following one of two application options: In Canada application and Outside Canada application. Each route has pros and cons that should be considered before applying.


There’s nothing more important than having your loved ones nearby.

Begin your sponsorship application today.